We Love You (2016) izle
Yönetmen: Huck Botko We Love You, Ford and Nuh have been close friends for a long time. They have a great bond and share a strong friendship. However, their friendship is tested when Callie, a pretentious person, enters their lives and tries to sabotage their relationship. Nuh is forced to make a tough decision while trying to maintain his cool and calm demeanor. A story about friendship and the challenges it can face, We Love You explores the complexities of relationships and the importance of staying true to oneself. | Submitted by: Aquamarine
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İki yakın arkadaşın arasına ukala biri girerek dostluğu tehlikeye atan bir genç kızın hikayesini anlatan "We Love You" filmi, ilişkilerin karmaşıklığını ve sadakati sorguluyor.
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