The Sheltering Sky (1991) izle
Yönetmen: Bernardo Bertolucci The Sheltering Sky (tt0100594), a dangerous and erotic journey of a woman... A tourist knows when they will return home at the beginning of a trip, but a traveler doesn't even know if or when they will come back. Kit (Debra Winger) and her husband Port (John Malkovich) arrive in Tangier, Morocco as travelers after a decade-long marriage in New York. Despite their deep love for each other, they can no longer connect. They externalize their search for connection in this new geography, delving deeper into their tired relationship and souls. Hoping to rejuvenate their weary marriage, this journey leads them to tragic consequences. Bertolucci questions the isolation and loneliness of the human soul in this adaptation of Paul Bowles' novel, which has been listed among the top 100 English-language books by Time magazine since 1923. The chosen setting, the Sahara Desert, serves as a tangible expression of these concepts. The film captivates with its magnificent visuals and colors, and it has also won a Golden Globe award for its original music. The Sheltering Sky entices viewers into the depths of an exotic, erotic, deadly, and sensually charged center in the desert.
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Paul ve Kit, evliliklerini kurtarmak için Marakeş'e giderler. Ancak bu yolculuk, içsel keşiflerle dolu bir maceraya dönüşür ve hayatlarının her yönünü sorgulamalarına neden olur.
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