The Broken Shore (2014) izle
Yönetmen: Rowan Woods The Broken Shore (tt2391073) is a thought-provoking crime thriller adapted from the acclaimed crime novelist Peter Temple's novel of the same name. The film, originally made for television, weaves together the author's sharp intellect and chilling scenes to create a captivating detective story. The story begins with Joe Cashin (Don Hany), a Melbourne Homicide Detective whose body and soul have been scarred by a past assignment, being sent back to his hometown. Joe is not only haunted by the images of that incident but also by childhood memories that are resurfacing through the influence of his close circle. As Detective Joe Cashin delves into the dark underbelly of a small coastal town where the facade of respectability slowly crumbles, tensions reach boiling point, exposing a web of lies, betrayal, and police corruption. The film sheds light on the shocking reality beneath the surface of society. | Submitted by: mstskn
Editörün Yorumu
The Broken Shore, ödüllü suç romanı yazarı Peter Temple'ın eserinden uyarlanan sürükleyici bir polisiye gerilim. Melbourne Cinayet Dedektifi Joe Cashin'in memleketine geri dönüşüyle birlikte yalan, ihanet ve polis yolsuzluğunu ortaya çıkarıyor.
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