Good Will Hunting (1997) izle
Yönetmen: Gus Van Sant Good Will Hunting (tt0119217) Will Hunting, a young man working as a janitor at MIT, possesses an exceptional level of intelligence far beyond the average. One evening, while cleaning, he comes across a math problem written on the board of a classroom. Will effortlessly solves this nearly impossible problem and disappears without a trace. Soon, he is discovered by the professor who wrote the problem and continues to excel in solving other challenges. However, when he gets into a fight and receives a prison sentence, Will realizes he needs the help of the professor to escape this trouble. This film, which revolves around an intense success story, was honored with an Academy Award, solidifying its powerful screenplay.
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Giriş YapEditörün Yorumu
Dahil olduğu matematik dünyasının dışına çıkmaya cesaret edemeyen Will'in, hayatını dönüştüren bir terapist ile yollarının kesişmesini konu alan "Good Will Hunting".
filmin maliyetine bakmadım bana göre komik bir ücrete filmi yapmışlardır.
ortalama bir film 7/8 arası bir puan uygun,