Face/Off (1997) izle
Yönetmen: John Woo Face/Off (tt0119094), Sean Archer is a dedicated FBI agent mourning the death of his son, Michael. Archer believes that his son's killer is Castor Troy, a sworn enemy and powerful criminal. One day, Archer finally corners Troy, but during their fight, he learns that Troy has developed a bomb that will destroy all of Los Angeles and its inhabitants. The only person who knows the location of the bomb is Troy's brother, Pollux, who refuses to talk. There is only one option left. An extraordinary operative doctor can surgically transplant someone's face to completely assume another person's identity. Archer undergoes the operation to impersonate someone and attempt to communicate with Pollux. As for who he becomes, Castor Troy somehow regains his memory and sets out for revenge to reclaim his face from Archer.
Editörün Yorumu
Bir FBI ajanının düşmanının yüzünü değiştirerek onun yerine geçmesini anlatan Face/Off, aksiyon dolu bir intikam hikayesini izleyiciye sunuyor.
99 Yorum
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