A Deadly Place (2020) izle
Yönetmen: J.R. Giurissevich A Deadly Place, Hailey's return to her childhood home after her father's death. Haunted by bad memories associated with the place, Hailey is constantly on edge and uneasy. As memories of her father resurface involuntarily, Hailey becomes even more distressed. Unexpectedly, Ben, the son of a neighbor, shows up at her door. Ben and Hailey reminisce about their past, but their recollections differ. Ben reveals that he used to mistreat Hailey when they were kids, even leaving a scar on her head by throwing a stone at her while she was swimming in the lake. However, Ben struggles to remember these events clearly. They also discuss their fathers and the alcohol bottles they used to hide. Reluctantly, Hailey accepts Ben's dinner invitation and goes to his house in the evening. The dinner takes an unsettling turn as Hailey discovers disturbing secrets within the house. It becomes apparent that Ben and his father have sinister plans, and as the night progresses, a cat-and-mouse game ensues.
Editörün Yorumu
A Deadly Place, Hailey'nin geçmişine dönüşü ve babasının ölümüyle ilgili yaşadığı karanlık sırları keşfetmesini anlatan ürkütücü bir gerilim filmidir. Hailey, evdeki gizemleri çözmeye çalışırken, komşunun oğlu Ben ve babasının kötü niyetli planlarına karşı mücadele etmek zorunda kalır.
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